Get out with subtitles
Get out with subtitles

get out with subtitles

  • It is applicable in all types of functions.
  • We can skip the portion of code which we don’t want to run.
  • It saves time in re-writing a code again and again.
  • After that, the color of that line will be get changed to Green color. By doing this, it will get converted into text. Step 8: We can convert the added Exit Sub statement into text by inserting a single inverted quote as shown below. This time we will notice that the font color of text at cell C3 doesn’t get changed to Red color as it changed earlier before placing Exit Sub statement. Step 6: Now to apply the Exit Sub here in font color change code, put the statement of Exit Sub before the Range cells selection line of code or between range cell selection (1 st) and Font color (2 nd) as shown below. We will see the color of the font at cell C3 is now changed to Red color from default Black. Step 5: Now compile the entire the code in one go as the code is quite small and run it. Here, we are selecting Red as shown below. And the selection of color will be starting with vb as per VBA setting. Step 4: Now choose the color of font which we want to change. Step 3: As we need to change the font color, so in the next line of code select the Font and Color function simultaneously as shown below. Step 2: Select the range cell which has the text. Step 1: For this open a new module and give it Sub-Category in the name of VBA Exit sub or in any other suitable name as per your need.

    get out with subtitles

    As we can see the text is in default blank color. For we have some text at cell C3 as shown below. In this example, we will see how Exit Sub works on skipping the font color change. Which is because the code run is completed but it has skipped off to Do While loop completely giving no output in a message box. We will observe that we have not found any output. Now again compile the code and run, if no error found. Step 9: Now to apply the Exit Sub in performed Do While loop we need to add Exit Sub statement before Do Loop start or after we defined variable A as shown below. Which means a value of A is less than 100 and formula which we defined in DO Loop says is the value of A is A + 1. We will see the message box has given us the output as 100. Later run the entire code by pressing the Play button located below the menu bar as shown below. Step 8: Now compile the code by pressing the F8 key to see if there is any bug in the code or not. For that insert MsgBox and give it to the variable A.

    get out with subtitles

    Step 7: Now we will need a message box (Which is optional) to see the output of Do While loop. Which says DO Loop will run following the condition of A + 1 while A is less than 100.

    get out with subtitles

    Step 6: Now how much we want to add +1 to A will be defined in Loop While condition. And run it till we get the +1 value for variable A. Which means DO Addition for A with its own value +1. Step 5: In between Do While we write a simple code of comparison.

    Get out with subtitles