Fallout 4 city fps fix
Fallout 4 city fps fix

fallout 4 city fps fix

I had a 2600 and a 390 and it ran perfect after fiddling around a bit.

fallout 4 city fps fix

It'll run fine I have it capped at 30 to try to help, and it'll run fine but then once I get into the city I get lag spikes bringing me to 0-3 frames and then it mellows out at 30 again, the problem is I don't think it is standard load in stutter it does it and then is fine but when it does it it can last up to 20 seconds Alright folks so I have a pc with an i7-2600, 12gb 1600mhz ram, and an rx 570 4gb and fallout 4 STILL drops to below 30fps around diamond city and near swans lake or just pretty much anywhere in the big city and it's pissing me off because I just dropped 95 dollars on this cpu and literally nothing changed I would love to see what everyone has to say, oh and by the by I have my shadows at medium both quality and distance as well as God rays and am running about 67 mods but most are little things and it still does it without them.

Fallout 4 city fps fix